But, to get there, you'll have to experiment with many settings and understand how to configure the plugin correctly. Octolapse's advantage lies in its excellent customization options, and you can fine-tune various parameters to get the best quality video. The Octolapse video is quite helpful as it gives a clear view of the model as the printhead and the build plate remain stationary. These 'Octolapses' are popular on YouTube and other media sharing platforms and are a great way of visualizing the 3D printing process. The final result is an amazing time-lapse, where the model is in complete focus and appears as if it's being produced out of thin air. This process repeats several times, and Octolapse then stitches together all these still images to form a seamless video. When you create videos using Octolapse, it positions the print bed and the hot end to a pre-planned location and captures a snapshot with the 3D model in focus. Octolapse is a plugin for Octoprint that lets you record time-lapse videos of your 3D printed models without the disturbance of the printer's movements. Let's start with understanding the Octolapse plugin. We'll also share some tricks and tips to fine-tune your image settings to get the best quality footage for your 3D printing timelapse video. In this article, we'll look at the detailed procedure for setting up Octolapse for your Octoprint instance with Cura and PrusaSlicer settings. And even though installing Octolapse is easy with Octoprint, setting it up and configuring it to deliver high-quality timelapse videos is slightly tricky. These two go very well with each other and help you create awesome time lapse videos.

Octolapse with Octoprint is like a match made in heaven.